Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breakfast Television Kitchen Reno

My submition letter I wrote on behalf of my sister :)

Hi Jennifer,
I’d like to nominate my baby sister (hope that’s okay) she’s my best friend if it’s any consolation. Christy is 27, married her high school sweetheart and has the best house gatherings. Christy and her husband just recently bought a place in the beach, which they have been trying to get into for 2 years. This house is a full reno. Personally I think they like to stay busy, so pretty much the house is dry walled except for their kitchen. When Christy moved into her first house she received her first baking book from our aunt as a house warming gift, and going on 3 years, has showered our family functions with desserts. (Some turned out a huge success, and some more experimental). Well this past Christmas the desserts never showed. We didn’t get out chocolate mouse, lime pie, lemon tarts or chocolate brownies. This Christmas wasn’t the same, she was sad and after dinner I got the feeling she was hiding, like she had disappointed us. I want her to know that we love her and her desserts will always be hers when she can bake again. Please help. I miss her baking ups and downs, you’d get a kick out of some of the stories.

Nicole Card

Don't I have the bestest sister :)

Thanks Nikki muuuaaaaah

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's been a BLUR

So much has happened in the last 20 days that I can barely remember my head from my ass. Ewww k that was kinda gross, but you get the point.

Heres the list of events that have occurred in the past month;

1) Drywalling Party
2) Best Friends Birth of her Baby Boy Jinu :)
3) New Years @ Courthouse with Miss Goddess of Chum FM
4) Nikki and Chris visit us with Lola Jane
5) Andys 30th
6) Monster Jam with my Nephew

Enjoy the pics, cause I sure enjoyed the break from the house :)

lots of love

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Today marks both a Happy New Year for 2009 as well as a our official 3 month mark in our house. I look back at all our photos and from a day-to-day view on our progress feels like we haven't even made a dent, but the photos always remind me of what we started with and the trial and tribulation we have conquered through. It really amazes me what Tony and I have both learned during this experience.
For example: One night coming home from work I was driving behind a truck that had taped up the back end with Tuck Tape, and if we didn't do the insulating and vapour sealing ourselves I would never have known that. lol

Anyway it was a great Christmas for Tony and I, we ended up getting so much drywall that we will finally have walls. As of now we have all 3 bedrooms done and our linen closet. I can't even tell you how excited I am about our bedroom having walls and a ceiling, it really makes me feel so much lighter with stress and things are really starting to form. I can now blow-dry my hair in my bedroom without the roof insulation falling down on me. ;)

I have a huge overwhelming gratitude to our family and friends for all the gifts of materials and free labour during this past 3 months. I know I have said thanks to all of you individually but you have no idea really how much Tony and I love love love you all very much, and your continued services are so much more then we ever had imagined. All I know is that Tony and I are gonna have some serious I OWE YOUs to payback at this rate.

Happy Belated Christmas as well as A Happy New Year.

Love always
Tony and Christy
