Sunday, May 27, 2012

Special Times

This past weekend marked James Kerr's (aka Uncle James) 30th Birthday Extravaganza, and this year we were +1. Tony and I had decided long ago that we wanted to have Benjamin be apart of our life, not for us to alter what we would normally do (all within reason). So we naturally without a doubt wouldn't miss out on the annual extravaganza. With Benjamin 10 weeks and this being our first time leaving the nest for an overnight trip I was pleasantly surprised with how well my Benny boo boo (and of course myself) did with the change. We had a great time with great friends and got so much rest and relaxation. 

Happy Birthday Uncle James xoxo

Lots of Love
Christy Lynn and Benjamin

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Unexplainable Love

I can't even describe how much I love my son. All I can say is that my heart swells with love for him. Yes swell, I can physically feel my heart stretch when he looks at me, when he falls asleep on my chest, when he smiles, or tells me his stories with coo's. I find myself kneading him with my face like an animal rubbing my scent all over him. I am very much a mother hen and loving every moment. I am the new mom that has official shared her son's washroom trials and tribulations to a complete stranger. #heeheeoops

I definitely feel like I'm starting to get into a groove and while I am still fighting to bring in more milk with supplementing through a tube and taking a prescription that has a "side effect" of increased milk supply we are well on our way. It seems to slowly be getting better so hopefully this can all be in the past soon. 

Things feel like they are slowly getting back to normal, I'm getting back to my daily puttering of dusting, cleaning and laundry. This week I have even started to exercise with Steph, we are 2 days in and my legs feel like they are going to fall off and the muscles in my lady area are tenderly tight. Last week I did sit-ups and I walked hunched back from cramping for almost 2 days. I Probably started a little too aggressively. I guess you could say I'm tired of hearing "You look great... for just having a baby" instead I'd like to hear "You look great" period. 

Anyway, other then being completely in love with my son and in love with the life I built with my husband I have nothing more at this time.
