Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time has run away from me

I don't even know where to start it has been so long... Ben is now 90% walking (took his first step just short of 10 months), has the most infectious laugh known to man and melts my entire being when he rests his head on my shoulder. I'm so in love with this little man like I'm sure most mothers/parents feel about there children just for some I feel like no one can possibly relate to the colossal power of love I feel for my son. (I know this is not true)

More times then not I can't wait for Ben's bedtime and then when he's in bed I can't wait for the morning when I get to see his smiling face again. I can't get over how fast he is learning everything and how quickly the year is gone bye. I feel like I don't have any right complaining about the minor fusses he presents because really he has been the perfect baby overall (knock on wood), compared to the stories we've heard.

There has been a lot going on with the Nguyen home front, we are closing out our basement renovation that can't be done soon enough with Benjamin's 1st birthday party just around the corner. As well the Nguyen family is expanding again to a family of 4 in a mere 5 months. Yes we sure have been busy!

Anyway... That's all I got for now, I'm exhausted and bed is calling me.

Lots of Love
Christy Lynn xoxo

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Time flies

I know it has been such a long time since I last posted, and to be honest I have come here 3 times to write a post and each time I don't know where to start because so much is happening so fast.

Tony and I can't even understand how fast Ben is growing up. He has hit so many milestones and at such an early age. We/Benjamin is fully mobile; crawling and walking around furniture, recently we went from crawling up the stairs to now stepping up the stairs. And this week he's working on standing on his own! Holy Sh!T I can't believe it.

Ben has a bottom tooth out and another beside it on it's way. He's a great eater for the most part, absolutely loves avacado and when we stick to routine everything works like a charm. We were sleeping 6-6 but since the time change he is now 5-5, can't really complain thou, 12 hours is 12 hours so I'm grateful for that.

We got through our first cold, not sure what worked best as we just used them all. HydroSense, Vicks rub, Vicks plug-in, Vicks in a bowl of boiling water, humidifier and Coryzila. It's so hard to see your precious baby suffer from a cold and you really can't do much about it. 

That's pretty much the Coles notes of our last few months, here are some pics and videos.

Lots of Love
Christy and Benjamin

Recorded on September 2nd 2012, age: 6 months

Trying to crawl
Recorded on October 13th 2012, age: 7 months

Pulling himself up
Recorded on October 18th 2012, age: 7 months

Eating breakfast
Recorded on October 31st 2012, age: 7.5 months

Climbing the stairs
Recorded on November 2nd 2012, age: 7.5 months

Walking with assistance
Recorded on November 8th 2012, age: almost 8 months

Standing on his own
Recorded on November 29th 2012, age: almost 8.5 months

Friday, September 28, 2012

Benjamin's First Halloween

What fun we had today shooting Ben in his first of very many costumes to come. If he's anything like his moma he is gonna LOVE halloween. I can't wait to have him sit on our front porch giving out candy this year. Should be my favourite Halloween yet.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Busy bee

The big 6 months is a mere week away and we have hit plenty more milestones, done so much around the house and I even launched a business. My head is still spinning it's all happening/going so fast.

First lets talk about Ben as he is my first priority and hopefully if all goes well, it will allow me to spend more time with him. We have some what of a routine. Not that it will stick for any length of time. Ben is on a full list of puree's now: Banana, Zucchini, Pear, Apple, Sweet Potato, Squash, Brown Rice and Avocado. He is sitting up on his own for a few minutes at a time now, and worms himself on his tummy around the family room playing with toys. Right now his favourite is the music drums. I have his tired cry down pat! It kinda sounds like a reggae song "oh na na na na, oh na na na na." And if I need to hold off an oncoming cry I sing "Hokey Pokey" usually he's on to me by the time I get through all the limps and the whole body lol. Sometimes 3 little monkeys will work too, but only 3 don't even try 5. ;) My favourite game and I think his too would be "I Gotta Secret!" I go from ear to ear whispering "I gotta Secret" "Wanna hear my secret" and then when he tenses his shoulders cause he knows whats coming and starts a pre giggle I snuggle down in the nape of his neck and growl, snort and kiss super fast and he shrieks with laughter right from the bottom of his gut. It's honestly priceless!
I would do it all day just to hear that laugh.

Now let's talk about the launching of my new business "Christy Lynn Photography and Design." I feel like it has been a long time coming and perfect timing. I have the next 6 months to build a portfolio and bring in work. I'm off to a steady start and I pray it gets better and busier. I have every intention in going back to work, my worry is that there may not be enough work to take me on full time. So at the very least this allows me to do part time at work so I can spend more time with Ben (less daycare) and still bring in a little extra cash with my business. Time really will only tell and a conversation with my previous employer. Anyway, here is a little of what has been going on at Christy Lynn Photography and Design.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Moments Caught

My first tubby

A case of hiccups

Nana and I

Mommy making me laugh

My first jolly jumper experience

My first time with solids

Me being a rollover PRO

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4 months and we have milestones galore!

It still feels like just yesterday that we brought Benjamin home, and everyday I find there is another first added to the list. The first time he stiffened his legs to stand, his first sit in the Bumbo, his first jump in the JollyJumper, his first and only 6 hr sleep to date, and now his first attempt at solid foods (btw I LOVE my baby bullet). Sometimes I wanna scream STOP! Stop getting bigger, stop trying to grown up, just stop. My newborn is no newborn anymore. He is my little guy who has just eaten his first solid food. We even have a half roll (from tummy to back). Wow, I find it so crazy we are here already. 

Ben is saying "MOMA" without a doubt! Tony 100% agrees he has said it a hand full of times and always when I have passed him off to Tony to leave the room. So heart melting! I'm scared to blink these days that I might miss something spectacular and I can't wait to see what he learns he can do next. Now if I could only get him to sleep through the night... anyone heard of "No-cry Sleep training?" What does it involve? Was is successful? I have just been informed there is such a thing, off to researching I go. Thanks for stopping in for a read.

Lots of Love
Christy and Benjamin

