Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Today marks both a Happy New Year for 2009 as well as a our official 3 month mark in our house. I look back at all our photos and from a day-to-day view on our progress feels like we haven't even made a dent, but the photos always remind me of what we started with and the trial and tribulation we have conquered through. It really amazes me what Tony and I have both learned during this experience.
For example: One night coming home from work I was driving behind a truck that had taped up the back end with Tuck Tape, and if we didn't do the insulating and vapour sealing ourselves I would never have known that. lol

Anyway it was a great Christmas for Tony and I, we ended up getting so much drywall that we will finally have walls. As of now we have all 3 bedrooms done and our linen closet. I can't even tell you how excited I am about our bedroom having walls and a ceiling, it really makes me feel so much lighter with stress and things are really starting to form. I can now blow-dry my hair in my bedroom without the roof insulation falling down on me. ;)

I have a huge overwhelming gratitude to our family and friends for all the gifts of materials and free labour during this past 3 months. I know I have said thanks to all of you individually but you have no idea really how much Tony and I love love love you all very much, and your continued services are so much more then we ever had imagined. All I know is that Tony and I are gonna have some serious I OWE YOUs to payback at this rate.

Happy Belated Christmas as well as A Happy New Year.

Love always
Tony and Christy


Anonymous said...

I wish I was able to see all the hard work that you guys put forth on a day to day basis. It is looking beautiful :)
Love Andge xoxoox

luna pie said...

Happy New Year Christy and TOny!! Your place is looking amazing - what a way to start 2009! (with drywall :P)
I am in LOVE with the brick wall - all that hard work really payed off.

Me and Jinu will have to come for a visit very soon!

All the very best for this coming year... KISS!
